This 3 MONTH Circle is for an intimate group of passionate mothers* who are committed to doing work on themselves, and redesigning what it means to be a mother with depth and devotion.

We circle to honor and align with our individual callings, while bringing deep consideration to the ways that our lives and ourselves are ready to evolve to match our vision and values.

*This program is for anyone who identifies as a nurturer. 

The Journey

Our journey includes 1 nourishing Wise woman interview a month, 1 private coaching call with Isabelle & 4 Virtual circles a month, and an inspiring & supportive facebook group.

☾ Feminine cycles of productivity & creation and how to leverage them for more ease and flow

☾ Creating your step by step action plan to get your dream underway 

☾ Choosing the best self-care strategies for YOU

☾ Self-forgiveness exercises for overcoming energetic, emotional, psychological, and systemic blocks to your success

☾ Building resilience and getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, unknown, and inevitable changes that are sure to show up

☾Staying devoted and consistent in your dream and your family AT THE SAME TIME

☾ Infusing pleasure, play, & space into your life

☾ Fine-tuning your calendar & creating the best systems to ensure the important things aren’t slipping through the cracks


Circle dates: January 6th-MaRCH 29th

​​​​​​You will receive four (3) private one-hour coaching sessions to explore what you’re creating in your life and get your heart, mind, and actions aligned with its creation. 

Weekly Sister Circles WITH ISABELLE and the other Mom-MEs
​​​​​​​Each week, we will gather on Zoom for a group coaching call. Each woman will have a chance to share what she desires support or reflection on. As an aspect of this work, Isabelle will invite each woman to really participate on the call, to deepen our recognition of any patterns at play, and guide your path forward. (We will choose a time that works for the entire group)


​​​​​​​As desired, Isabelle will curate listening partnerships – your intimate sister for our journey together. You’ll meet weekly or biweekly at a time of your choosing.

​​​​​​For continual connection, feedback, reflections, heart sharing…everything!


I would love to connect with you, to hear more about what you're desiring in your life right now, and to share more about this experience – the spirit of it, the frameworks for it, and who will be part of it. This will also be a great opportunity to talk about whether this is the right fit at this time.

There are 6 spaces for this 3 month journey 

Click here to schedule a time to talk.

I would absolutely LOVE to have you join us and create this one-of-a-kind experience with you!