Hi there! I'm Isabelle Bridges {pretty font}
I’m devoted to helping you embrace sisterhood, accountability and support in a whole new way. My coaching journey began in a college Psychology class when I felt like I had finally found "my work," then decided to forgo a master's in Counseling (after getting halfway through) and changed the trajectory of my education and career so that I could work with women as a Life Coach.
And having kids only makes me more on fire to support mothers who are in the trenches, wanting to grow a dream and a family in tandem.
I think it’s fair to say that each one of us enters motherhood with a set of beliefs or expectations about what it means to be a good mother. We develop these beliefs from the pressure of our communities and society as a whole, the experiences with our own parents, and through the expectations of friends, family, and media. These outside influences can have so much power and influence over us that when we finally do become mothers ourselves, it is unbearably difficult to listen to our own ideas of what this “good mom” thing is all about.
My Mission
To remind YOU that it’s your job to like yourself. It’s not anybody else’s.
And nobody else can hurt you the way you can hurt you.
If you are like me, you were never taught how to truly understand your value or what to do with negative emotion and, despite that lack of education, you have done amazingly well anyway.
But now your life is more complicated and the people in your life need you to be strong.
Besides that, you’re tired of feeling this way and you know an amazing version of you is just around the corner.
It’s time to put the “ME” back in mommy!
I will be your guide here at Mom-ME Circle.
You can relax now. We are in this together.
“Working with Isabelle has changed the way I parent, interact with my partner, and feel about myself.”